Saturday 1 June 2019



She was a girl with big dreams, clear vision. She knows what she wants and she get it. She didn't know what ’give up' is. Once. 
She became clueless, her vision become unclear. She didn't know what she wants. Her dreams shattered one by one.  She lost. She event didn't herself anymore. 
She drowns in the darkness of the deep ocean.  
She lost her resiliency.
But it doesn't mean she didn't try to bounce back. She tries. She tries so hard. But those things take time. Day by day, month by month. She begins to gain her resiliency. 
Pray. Hope. Trust. Pray. Hope. 
She misses her old self. I knew. Thanks Allah. She still trying even sometime wind turns her back. 
One fine day, she will found herself. One fine day, she will be okay.


  1. moga semuanya makin okay je.. inilah kehidupan

  2. hi info menarik ini :) done follow, follow me back.. thanks


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